SEO Analysis of your site

Complete Detailed SEO Analysis


Analyzed on 2018-08-14 12:29:26

About this Analysis

This is a specially targeted analysis of your site httpS:// It points out the most important aspects in terms of user experience as well as search engine exposure that needs attention to start getting traffic and retained visitors.
We have created our own algorithm to score your site. After reviewing thousands of websites in our algorithm, we have noticed that a site which scores 75 and above must be already receiving search engine traffic with good social exposure. If yoursite is anywhere below 75, you need to start acting immediately to improve your website promotion.

Your website Score

Your website social marketing status

The below stats are for your website httpS:// and not your facebook or social pages.

Reddit Shares


Total Facebook Likes


Pinterest Pins


Google Plus:




Alexa Rank:


Your website social meter

Search engines have evolved, social status today holds a very important role in search engine ranking. External factors including the social exposure, the number of quality backlinks adds a lot of weightage to rank a website on the search engines.

This pie chart will show you the intensity of popularity over different social media network so that you can concentrate your efforts on the weak areas.

Social Meter:

The Observations

  1. Title

    60% Complete

  3. Keywords
  4. alquileres en Merlo,Cabañas en Merlo,alquileres economicos,hotel en Merlo,Merlo San Luis,departamentos en Merlo,alquiler de casa en merlo,turismo en merlo,vacaciones en merlo,alojamiento en merlo,alquiler en merlo

  5. Description

  6. ALQUILEMERLO Cabañas Merlo: Alquileres Turísticos en Merlo San Luis. Propiedades independientes al precio de una habitación de hotel.

  7. Keywords in URL
  8. Excellent, keywords found in your URL

  9. Alt Tags
  10. You have 0 images without alt tags. out of 14 images on the page.
  11.  Excellent

  12. Facebook Likes
  13. You only have 0 Likes.Your facebook likes needs immediate improvement.

  14. Pinterest Pins
  15. Pinterest Pins are great way of sharing content, your website is only shared 0 times on pinterest, make your content more shareable, join social combo plan

  16. Google Plus
  17. Your website is not shared on Google plus enough, they are only 0 , It is very crucial for ranking in google, make your content shareable, to speed up, join our social combo.

  18. Linkedin
  19. Your website is not shared on Linkedin enough, they are only 0 , It is very crucial for ranking in google, make your content shareable, to speed up, join our social combo.

  20. Alexa Rank
  21. Your website has good traffic, your Alexa Traffic Rank is 0, you are on the right track. If you wish to expedite, join our social combo plan.

  22. Keyword Density:
  23. Body Text Keyword cloud showing the most and least used keywords on the page.

    Below are the keywords which are prominently used in your webpage. Kindly review them to make sure you are not using unnecessary keywords not relevant to your business.

    This is very useful to get a bird eye on which keywords are most prominently used on your page. So that you are not diluting the keyword density on untargeted keywords.

    alquilemerlo caba merlo san luis skip content menu alojamientos departamentos los almendros penkoken entre molles casa tulisquin excursiones citi tour mina las carolinas capital clavero circuito sur bajo veliz filo serrano condores noticias tur stica porqu contacto search villa ofrece propiedades alquiler temporario precio una habitaci hotel para disfrute sus vacaciones ximo destino stico excelencia ltimos convertido punto vacacional muy buscado por turistas lugar encuentra ideal aventuras diversi placer conocer turismo religioso minero disfrutar gastronom zona debido oferta edilicia tan amplia viajero puede elegir precios calidad servicios dependiendo busque necesite campos obligatorios son seguidos llegada salida invitados departamento desde noche ver detalles hacer reserva auken noches tulisqu nuestra podr encontrar mejores lugares visitar debiera perderse adem mapas referencias muchos datos interesantes centro opci ctica moda econ mica descubrir gente nuestras complejo ubicadas barrio rinc del este inmejorable con bosque nativo piscina permitir manera directa naturaleza frecura sierras merlinas privacidad mucho parque pileta privada sped grupo escapada descanso especialmente dise ada intimidad momento municipalidad trav secretar controla ofertas mantener est ndar base seguridad contamos todas regla controles necesarios satisfascer mejor experiencia nuestros spedes realizadas profesionales dedicados seguro van gustar venta reservas variedad ofrecidas sticas seriedad respeto trato atenci hasta razonables facilidades forma pago oficina recepci consulta ofrecemos solo personal blico asesoramiento personalizado contactos sticos mapa plano casas alquileres provincia argentina preparadas estad independientes info alquile rep blica seo tools free web submission comparte esto haz clic compartir twitter abre ventana nueva facebook google imprimir whatsapp

  24. Keyphrase found on your page.

  25. Single Keywords

    caba, merlo, para, los, san, una, luis, alquilemerlo, por, tur, alojamientos, precio, mina, departamentos, abre, con, ventana, nueva, propiedades, villa, almendros, reserva, clic, haz, las,

    2 Keywords Phrase

    san luis,
    alquilemerlo caba,
    caba merlo,
    merlo san,
    abre una,
    una ventana,
    clic para,
    haz clic,
    ventana nueva,

    3 Keywords Phrase

    caba entre molles,
    detalles hacer reserva,
    venta reservas alojamientos,
    villa merlo provincia,
    alojamientos villa merlo,
    merlo porqu contacto,
    casa tulisquin excursiones,
    mina clavero circuito,
    stica merlo porqu,

  26. OnPage Links
  27. There are total 89 backlinks found on your page out of which 9 are external links

    There are total 14 links without anchor text

    80 Internal Links

    35% Complete (success)

    9 External Links

    20% Complete (warning)
  28. H1 Tags
  29. H1


  30. You are using H1 tags effectively Content used in the h1 are relevant to the page

  31. H2 Tags
  32. H2

    Departamentos Los Almendros

  33. H2

    Cabañas Auken Penkoken

  34. H2

    Cabaña Entre Molles

  35. H2

    Casa Tulisquín

  36. H2

    AlquileMerlo Cabañas Merlo San Luis

  37. You are using H2 effectively Content used in the H2 are relevant to the page

  38. H3 Tags
  39. H3

    Comparte esto:

  40. You are using h3 tags effectively

  41. Your Page H Tag Structure













    Keep the H tag structure logical

  42. Good you are using Canonical url
  43. Its good you are using text attributes to highlight important content.
  44. Good you are using Sitemap file
  45. You are not using robots.txt file. Use it to control who can access your site.
  46. You are not using favicon. Use it helps in branding and differentiating your site from bookmarks.
  47. Good, we found a blog on your site
  48. Your page loadtime is 5 seconds
  49. Your website is W3C Validated, Excellent
  50. Good you are using Publisher Tag for Google+
  51. Great, you are using meta viewport to configure other displays
  52. Your website is missing language meta tag, This tag is particularly useful for non-english and multiple language websites. Search engines which indexes websites on base of language read this tag.
  53. Good you are Open Graph Protocol

Things to do

  • Your website has very low traffic, act immediately to improve.
  • Your facebook like requires immediate improvement.
  • Your Google Plus shares are very low, you are ignoring a gold mine.
  • Linkedin shares needs improvement. Use share buttons on your content.
  • Pinterest Shares are very low, Pinterest shares generate a lot of exposure and traffic.
  • Emphasize on your facebook promotion to receive more user inputs, appreciations and comments.
  • Title of your website needs improvement.
  • Description of your website needs improvement.
  • Use italics attributes on your page.
  • Use acronym attribute on your page.
  • Use abbr attribute on your page. (for HTML5)
  • Use dfn (definition) tag on your page if appropriate.
  • Use Robots.txt file. Robots file works as a gatekeeper, use it for your benefit.
  • You are not using Favicon.
  • You are not using Language Meta.

Common Todos

  • Set preferred domain (www/non www)
  • Remove Inline CSS
  • Keep text to html ration of atleast 2:1
  • Add Tweet Button
  • Add Facebook Share / Like Button
  • Add Google +1 button
  • Add an Apple Icon
  • Make sure website is responsive
  • Use Breadcrumb to display navigation structure with or without links
  • Use meaningful pagenames rich with keywords.

Your website needs immediate improvement