SEO Analysis of your site

Complete Detailed Analysis

Analyzed on 2017-11-28 23:36:36

About this Analysis

This is a specially targeted analysis of your site It points out the most important aspects in terms of user experience as well as search engine exposure that needs attention to start getting traffic and retained visitors.
We have created our own algorithm to score your site. After reviewing thousands of websites in our algorithm, we have noticed that a site which scores 75 and above must be already receiving search engine traffic with good social exposure. If yoursite is anywhere below 75, you need to start acting immediately to improve your website promotion.

Your website Score

Your website social marketing status

The below stats are for your website and not your facebook or social pages.

Reddit Shares


Total Facebook Likes


Pinterest Pins


Google Plus:


Stumble Upon:




Alexa Rank:


Your website social meter

Search engines have evolved, social status today holds a very important role in search engine ranking. External factors including the social exposure, the number of quality backlinks adds a lot of weightage to rank a website on the search engines.

This pie chart will show you the intensity of popularity over different social media network so that you can concentrate your efforts on the weak areas.

Social Meter:

The Observations

  1. Title
  2. Centre PsyCol - Centre de Thérapies Psychologiques - Bruxelles

    60% Complete

  3. Keywords

  4. Description

  5. Keywords in URL
  6. Excellent, keywords found in your URL

  7. Alt Tags
  8. You have 0 images without alt tags. out of 2 images on the page.
  9.  Excellent

  10. Facebook Likes
  11. You only have 0 Likes.Your facebook likes needs immediate improvement.

  12. Pinterest Pins
  13. Pinterest Pins are great way of sharing content, your website is only shared 0 times on pinterest, make your content more shareable, join social combo plan

  14. Google Plus
  15. Your website is not shared on Google plus enough, they are only 0 , It is very crucial for ranking in google, make your content shareable, to speed up, join our social combo.

  16. Linkedin
  17. Your website is not shared on Linkedin enough, they are only 0 , It is very crucial for ranking in google, make your content shareable, to speed up, join our social combo.

  18. Alexa Rank
  19. Your website has good traffic, your Alexa Traffic Rank is 0, you are on the right track. If you wish to expedite, join our social combo plan.

  20. Keyword Density:
  21. Body Text Keyword cloud showing the most and least used keywords on the page.

    Below are the keywords which are prominently used in your webpage. Kindly review them to make sure you are not using unnecessary keywords not relevant to your business.

    This is very useful to get a bird eye on which keywords are most prominently used on your page. So that you are not diluting the keyword density on untargeted keywords.

    centre psycol rapies psychologiques bruxelles menu accueil quipe josep abella mateu psychologue agr marie carton tournai morgane bonnin amelie thonet des questions doutes fixer premier rendez vous nous sommes coute contactez propos traiter burn traitement phobie pour enfants adolescents rapie troubles alimentaires stress puisement professionnel couple prise charge pression les adaptation une flexion quentes contact bienvenue sur site web collectif psychologues psychoth rapeutes votre disposition rencontrez notre associe cialistes sant mentale diff rents milieux ducation psychiatre prendre mesure parler devient tape logique lorsque traversez riode difficile dans vie tre accompagn est pas seulement solution purement rapeutique galement important sentez bien avec qui travaille pourquoi avons cid regrouper exp riences expertises personnalit center psy col ici pouvez savoir traitements offrons travaillent ensemble pierres angulaires coop ration collaborons sein seau changons connaissances int gration grons diverses approches sans perdre vue combinaison psych environnement social culture professionnalisme prenons continuellement mesures poursuivre approche professionnelle travers interpr tations choisissant travailler professionnels qualifi bienveillance jugeons jamais ouvertement toute confiance prot par secret anxi parfois bonne elle fait fuir quand tes situation dangereuse met vos gardes faites quelque chose attire attention cessite concentration peur port main pathologie affecte nombreuses personnes contextes divers deuil divorce harc lement travail relation famille maladie manipulation probl mes financiers recherche emploi couples viennent consulter ils trouvent perte rep res errance affective xuelle souffrance psychique savent couter sont mais devenus trangers burnout stade final processus produit chez saines ont ralement fonctionn jusqu lors psychologueil agit peut manque repos tat proposons aidons gens parvenir autre vision choses eux leur entourage rencontrons traversent toutes sortes difficult bruxellespsycol comment passe demandera crire ses peuvent