SEO Analysis of your site

Complete Detailed Analysis

Analyzed on 2016-12-04 16:10:57

About this Analysis

This is a specially targeted analysis of your site It points out the most important aspects in terms of user experience as well as search engine exposure that needs attention to start getting traffic and retained visitors.
We have created our own algorithm to score your site. After reviewing thousands of websites in our algorithm, we have noticed that a site which scores 75 and above must be already receiving search engine traffic with good social exposure. If yoursite is anywhere below 75, you need to start acting immediately to improve your website promotion.

Your website Score

Your website Social Marketing Status

The below stats are for your website and not your facebook or social pages.

Reddit Shares


Total Facebook Likes


Pinterest Pins


Google Plus:


Stumble Upon:




Alexa Rank:


Your website social meter

Search engines have evolved, social status today holds a very important role in search engine ranking. External factors including the social exposure, the number of quality backlinks adds a lot of weightage to rank a website on the search engines.

This pie chart will show you the intensity of popularity over different social media network so that you can concentrate your efforts on the weak areas.

Social Meter:

The Observations

  1. Title

    Agencia Bina – Investigações

    60% Complete

  2. Keywords

  3. Description

  4. Keywords in URL

    Keywords not found in the URL

  5. Alt Tags

  6. You have 0 images without alt tags. out of 20 images on the page.
  7.  Excellent

  8. Facebook Likes

    You only have 1 Likes.Your facebook likes needs immediate improvement.

  9. Pinterest Pins

    Pinterest Pins are great way of sharing content, your website is only shared 0 times on pinterest, make your content more shareable, join social combo plan

  10. Google Plus

    Your website is not shared on Google plus enough, they are only 0 , It is very crucial for ranking in google, make your content shareable, to speed up, join our social combo.

  11. Linkedin

    Your website is not shared on Linkedin enough, they are only 0 , It is very crucial for ranking in google, make your content shareable, to speed up, join our social combo.

  12. Alexa Rank

    Your website has good traffic, your Alexa Traffic Rank is 0, you are on the right track. If you wish to expedite, join our social combo plan.

  13. Body Text: Keyword cloud showing the most and least used keywords on the page.

    Below are the keywords which are prominently used in your webpage. Kindly review them to make sure you are not using unnecessary keywords not relevant to your business.

    This is very useful to get a bird eye on which keywords are most prominently used on your page. So that you are not diluting the keyword density on untargeted keywords.

    agencia bina investiga atendimento horas home empresa equipamentos contato ncia detetive nardel mercado desde seja bem vindo objetividade sigilo absoluto nossos servi somos uma confidenciais sede pria cidade paulo pioneira intelig civil nossa equipe profissionais altamente qualificada est credenciada dispomos todos para sua necessidade obrigado por visita prefer conjugais pessoais acompanhamento pessoas relat rios fotos filmagens localiza desaparecidas testemunhas devedores bens documentos revis pens comprova renda real provas justi vida pregressa dossi crimes contra inf juventude idoso envolvidas drogas antecedentes criminais escutas discretas ambientes culos danos amea pessoa patrim nio chantagem extors cartas telefonemas nimos espionagem empresariais fraudes desfalques desvios falsifica viola segredos furtos internos continuados produtos valores concorr desleal funcion rio ndole grava sigilosas implanta meras escondidas produ imagens todo tipo prova possa decifrar nas organiza anti escuta telef nica fixo vel varredura visual eletr grampo telefones udio imagem efetiva culo varreduras linhas nicas locais reservados detector transmissores mara sem fio transmissor gsm recupera dados monitoramento computadores deos ser percebido formato alta defini novo design muito mais elegante discreto caneta espi veio inovar tima qualidade resolu nunca vista esta aparelho choque recarreg defesa pessoal celular ideal prote mulheres jovens idosos homens indicado seguran policiais excelente dominar afugentar animais qualquer porte quando disparado gatilho chaveiro filmadora filma colorido super leve pode colocado camisa tem micro lente mmm flagrar corrup chantagens gravar reuni acordos aulas palestras tamb laser rastreadores proteja identifica lentes todas faixas vhf uhf tracking emita sinais mini aqui voc comprar total garantia entrega assist cnica conhe aparelhos rel gio mesa captador rastreador tracker gps envia coordenadas sms conversas redor diversas fun localize precis onde bot discretamente mera roupa deo capacidade armazenagem gravador grave entrevistas suas liga compacto fazer dentro bolsas bolsos cal este produto preencha campos abaixo entrar conosco digite letras campo favor fale direto nosso diretor ele inteira disposi detetivenardel gmail direitos

  14. Keyphrase found on your page.

    Single Keywords

    para, investiga, espionagem, ncia, contra, espi, meras, udio, sua, grava, vel, sem, por, pessoas, discreto, formato, qualquer, est, gsm, telef, transmissores, produtos, desvios, profissionais, fio,

    2 Keywords Phrase

    bina investiga,
    sem fio,
    ideal para,
    fixo vel,
    telef nicas,
    todo tipo,
    transmissor gsm,
    meras escondidas,
    ncia bina,

    3 Keywords Phrase

    espionagem contra espionagem,

  15. OnPage Links

    There are total 28 backlinks found on your page out of which 4 are external links

    There are total 5 links without anchor text

    24 Internal Links

    35% Complete (success)

    4 External Links

    20% Complete (warning)
  16. H1 Tags

    • H1

      Seja bem-vindo! Objetividade e Sigilo Absoluto

    • You are using H1 tags effectively Content used in the h1 are relevant to the page

  17. H2 Tags

    • H2

      Nossos Serviços

    • H2

      Investigações Conjugais e Pessoais

    • H2

      Investigações Empresariais

    • H2


    • H2


    • You are using H2 effectively Content used in the H2 are relevant to the page

  18. Your Page H Tag Structure













    Keep the H tag structure logical

  19. Good you are using Canonical url
  20. You are not using text attributes to highlight important content on your site. Try using them
  21. Good you are using Sitemap file
  22. You are not using robots.txt file. Use it to control who can access your site.
  23. Good you are using favicon
  24. Good, we found a blog on your site
  25. Your page loadtime is optimal. Good Work. Click to check
  26. Your website is W3C Validated, Excellent
  27. Your website is missing a rel='Publisher' tag for linking Google+ Page.
  28. Great, you are using meta viewport to configure other displays
  29. Your website is missing languag