SEO Analysis of your site

Complete Detailed SEO Analysis

Analyzed on 2020-12-23 10:28:49

About this Analysis

This is a specially targeted analysis of your site It points out the most important aspects in terms of user experience as well as search engine exposure that needs attention to start getting traffic and retained visitors.
We have created our own algorithm to score your site. After reviewing thousands of websites in our algorithm, we have noticed that a site which scores 75 and above must be already receiving search engine traffic with good social exposure. If yoursite is anywhere below 75, you need to start acting immediately to improve your website promotion.

Your website Score

Links on your website

This area is usualy ignored but holds great importance as to how many internal and external links your website has. The niche of your business and the external links flowing out of your website determines the importance of those external websites as well as the niche of your website.

This pie chart will show you the ratio of internal and external links on your analyzed page.

Link Structure

The Observations

  1. Title
  2. Assessoria de Imprensa | Do Lado da Comunicação | Brasil

    60% Complete

  3. Keywords

  4. Description

  5. A Do lado da Comunicação é uma agência especializada em Assessoria de Imprensa e Planejamento Estratégico de Comunicação.

  6. Keywords in URL
  7. Excellent, keywords found in your URL

  8. Alt Tags
  9. You have 17 images without alt tags. out of 19 images on the page.
  10.  Alt tags needs immediate attention

  11. Facebook Likes
  12. You only have 0 Likes.Your facebook likes needs immediate improvement.

  13. Google Plus
  14. Your website is not shared on Google plus enough, they are only 0 , It is very crucial for ranking in google, make your content shareable, to speed up, join our social combo.

  15. Alexa Rank
  16. Your website has good traffic, your Alexa Traffic Rank is 0, you are on the right track. If you wish to expedite, join our social combo plan.

  17. Keyword Density:
  18. Body Text Keyword cloud showing the most and least used keywords on the page.

    Below are the keywords which are prominently used in your webpage. Kindly review them to make sure you are not using unnecessary keywords not relevant to your business.

    This is very useful to get a bird eye on which keywords are most prominently used on your page. So that you are not diluting the keyword density on untargeted keywords.

    assessoria imprensa lado comunica brasil email protected rio janeiro nossas redes sociais homequem somosservi osassessoria imprensaplanejamento estrat gico oclientesplanosblog menu fale conosco vamos impulsionar seu neg cio uma ncia especializada planejamento empresa diversas ideias larga experi rea quem saber mais nossos servi oferece personalizado para cada cliente partir conhecimento crescimento garantido imprensaa das principais fontes informa formadora opini pessoas mundo oferecemos somosmuito prazer estamos marketing equipe multidisciplinar motivada criativa faz marcas encontrarem prop sito somos especializados ampla novas mercado hoje est vez competitivo gest profissional integrada sendo decisiva sucesso produtos merece lise personalizados seja definida melhor tica consolidar sua marca minimizando riscos construindo reputa fazj ssica flausino jornalista ajuda empreendedores ter visibilidade antes iniciar trabalhou como diretora novos cios lapresse guru foi rep rter jornal folha dirigida membro dois coletivos azpretaz voltado mulheres negras tecnologia junta era dedicado profissionais carreira ajudando pequenas dias empresas notoriedade agora esses impactando tecnologias maestria dia nosso sucessoor amento estr tegico nome telefone solicitar onossos clientes instagram previous planos oevento investimento plano nico pre divulga regional elabora releases sites blogs revistas jornais impressos monitoramento mat rias publicadas sem garantia resultado saiba maisplano bronze mensal nacional pauta release por relat pelo menos publica prata follow maispopularplano ouro dio maisnosso blog raz pelas quais ainda importante aumento narrativa baseada dados ciclo cias horas sete semana dezembro conhe nossa lista muito atualizado fun servir ponte entre atendido culos tamb influenciadores novembro melhores ticas afinidade durante covid vivemos trabalhamos tempos precedentes pois crise coronav rus dominando muitos aspectos vidas gias atrair gia bem crucial cres ganhe amplamente poss vel voc sabe material difus feito pela verdade formul contato assunto mensagem enviar rua leonardo iraj facebook linkedin menuhomequem oclientesplanosblognosso onosso todos direitos autorais reservados desenvolvido esta indoor digitalwhatsapp

  19. Keyphrase found on your page.

  20. Single Keywords

    comunica, lado, estrat, uma, planejamento, gico, imprensa, assessoria, saiba, para, mensal, mais, rio, por, ncia, divulga, imprensaplanejamento, rias, release, osassessoria, sites, investimento, revistas, marketing, elabora,

    2 Keywords Phrase

    lado comunica,
    estrat gico,
    gico comunica,
    assessoria imprensa,
    saiba mais,
    comunica uma,
    planejamento estrat,
    imprensaplanejamento estrat,
    osassessoria imprensaplanejamento,

    3 Keywords Phrase

    osassessoria imprensaplanejamento estrat,
    imprensa planejamento estrat,
    assessoria imprensa planejamento,
    sites blogs revistas,
    somosservi osassessoria imprensaplanejamento,
    mensal divulga nacional,
    divulga nacional planejamento,
    planejamento pauta elabora,
    jornais impressos relat,

  21. OnPage Links
  22. There are total 79 backlinks found on your page out of which 10 are external links

    There are total 0 links without anchor text

    69 Internal Links

    35% Complete (success)

    10 External Links

    20% Complete (warning)
  23. H1 Tags
  24. H1

    Vamos impulsionar o seu Negócio  

  25. You are using H1 tags effectively Content used in the h1 are relevant to the page

  26. H2 Tags
  27. H2

    Nossos Serviços | Do Lado da Comunicação

  28. H2

    Quem Somos

  29. H2

    Quem Faz

  30. H2


  31. H2

    Nossos Clientes | Instagram

  32. H2

    Planos | Do Lado da Comunicação

  33. H2

    Nosso Blog | Do Lado da Comunicação

  34. H2

    Formulário de Contato | Do Lado da Comunicação

  35. You are using H2 effectively Content used in the H2 are relevant to the page

  36. H3 Tags
  37. H3

    Planejamento Estratégico

  38. H3

    Assessoria de Imprensa

  39. H3

    Seu Crescimento é o nosso Sucesso

  40. H3

    Evento + Investimento

  41. H3

    Plano Bronze

  42. H3

    Plano Prata

  43. H3

    Plano Ouro

  44. H3

    3 razões pelas quais a Assessoria de Imprensa ainda é importante

  45. H3

    Conheça nossa lista de clientes

  46. H3

    O que é Assessoria de Imprensa?

  47. H3

    As melhores práticas de afinidade com a mídia durante o COVID-19

  48. H3

    Estratégias de marketing para atrair clientes

  49. H3

    O que é um release?

  50. You are using h3 tags effectively

  51. H4 Tags
  52. H4


  53. H4

    Nosso Serviços

  54. H4

    Nosso Instagram

  55. You are using H4 tag effectively

  56. H5 Tags
  57. You are not using h5 tags

  58. Your Page H Tag Structure













    Keep the H tag structure logical

  59. Good you are using Canonical url
  60. Its good you are using text attributes to highlight important content.
  61. Good you are using Sitemap file
  62. You are not using robots.txt file. Use it to control who can access your site.
  63. Good you are using favicon
  64. Good, we found a blog on your site
  65. Your page loadtime is optimal. Good Work.
  66. Your website is W3C Validated, Excellent
  67. Your website is missing a rel='Publisher' tag for linking Google+ Page.
  68. Great, you are using meta viewport to configure other displays
  69. Your website is missing language meta tag, This tag is particularly useful for non-english and multiple language websites. Search engines which indexes websites on base of language read this tag.
  70. Good you are Open Graph Protocol

Things to do

  • Your website has very low traffic, act immediately to improve.
  • Your facebook like requires immediate improvement.
  • Your Google Plus shares are very low, you are ignoring a gold mine.
  • Linkedin shares needs improvement. Use share buttons on your content.
  • Pinterest Shares are very low, Pinterest shares generate a lot of exposure and traffic.
  • Emphasize on your facebook promotion to receive more user inputs, appreciations and comments.
  • Title of your website needs improvement.
  • Description of your website needs improvement.
  • You can use your keyword tags more effectively.
  • Use italics attributes on your page.
  • Use em attribute on your page.
  • Use acronym attribute on your page.
  • Use abbr attribute on your page. (for HTML5)
  • Use dfn (definition) tag on your page if appropriate.
  • Use Robots.txt file. Robots file works as a gatekeeper, use it for your benefit.
  • You are not using Language Meta.
  • Add rel='Publisher' tag for linking Google+ Page.

Common Todos

  • Set preferred domain (www/non www)
  • Remove Inline CSS
  • Keep text to html ration of atleast 2:1
  • Add Tweet Button
  • Add Facebook Share / Like Button
  • Add Google +1 button
  • Add an Apple Icon
  • Make sure website is responsive
  • Use Breadcrumb to display navigation structure with or without links
  • Use meaningful pagenames rich with keywords.

Your website needs immediate improvement

Order site fix and improvement for a discount today below